Honor - Courage - Committment
Hope you enjoy browsing our store items. Most items are Navy related but there are other items that may be of interest. Look around and let us know if you have questions about anything. The prints and cruise book CD's offered are believed not to violate any copyrights. If you think any of them do please let us know and it will be further investigated and instantly removed if found to be factual. If you want any of these prints to be customized like adding your picture or special wording on the print please let us know immediately after you make the purchase.
The cruise book CDs are a great inexpensive way of preserving historical family heritage for yourself, children and grand children especially if you or a loved one has served aboard the ship. It is a way to get connected with the past especially if you no longer have the living connection. If your loved one is still with us, they might consider this to be a priceless gift. You may learn things about them that you never knew or would ever discuss.
Statistics show that only 25-35% of sailors purchased their cruise book.
Many who didn't probably wished they would have as they got older. It's a nice way to show them that you care about their past and appreciate the sacrifice they and many others made for us and our country. Would also be great for school research projects or just self-interest in World War II Documentation.
We never knew what life was like for a sailor in World War II until we started taking an interest in these great books. We found pictures of our Father-in-law who served on the USS Essex CV 9 during World War II, which we never knew, existed. He passed away at a very young age and we never really got a chance to hear many of his stories. Somehow by viewing his cruise book, which we never saw until recently, has reconnected the family with his legacy and Naval heritage.
Even if we did not find the pictures in the cruise book it was a great way to see what life was like for him. We now consider these to be family treasures. His children, grand children and great grand children can always be connected if they choose. This is what motivates and drives us to do the research and development of these cruise book CDs. We hope you can experience the same thing for your family. If you belong to a ships association they would be a great thing to offer your members or at the reunions.
My Personal Navy Service 1963 - 1967
The Navy is where I learned discipline, respect and self-confidence. It was instrumental in making me the person I am today and has helped me get through many of life's challenges which we all experience. I am still proud to have served now as I was then. The lessons learned were priceless. I knew I was going into the Navy in the 9th grade. At the tender age of 17 right after high school graduation my father signed the papers for me to enter the Navy prior to the minimum age of 18.
Went to boot camp in San Diego, then on to Radarman School on Treasure Island in San Francisco. My first ship was the USS Robison DDG 12 out of San Diego. We traveled many places including Hawaii, Guam, Midway Island, Hong Kong, Alongapo in the Phillipines, Koashung in Formosa China, Gulf of Tonkin, and several ports in Japan. Made a nice trip up the West coast to Seattle Washington, Tacoma Washington, San Francisco and yes even Sacremento California through a very narrow channel. I transferred to the USS Barney DDG 6 homeported in Norfolk Virginia. Traveled to Key West Florida, Jamaca, St Thomas in the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Panama Canal, Mexico, San Francisco, Hawaii, Guam, Midway Island, Phillipines, Japan, Hong Kong and the Coast of Viet Nam(again). Became an official Shellback by crossing the equator just 4 days prior to my separation from the Navy.